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Audio Uploads

Hi there,

I have been uploading multiple mono audio files to different simple scenes. However, now I am working on a larger scene and my single stereo audio file uploads but nothing plays. 

This is an original track and the SoundCloud link is private which isn't compatible with STYLY's so my only option is to upload the mp3 from Unity via your plugin.

Do you have any suggestions?



Best Answer

Hi Freddie Hodjkins,

Is this question different from the previous one?

I want to ask you a question to find out the cause of the error. Does private SoundCloud link play on Unity? If not, you cannot play the sound even on STYLY Studio.

Best regards,


Hi Freddie Hodjkins,

Is this question different from the previous one?

I want to ask you a question to find out the cause of the error. Does private SoundCloud link play on Unity? If not, you cannot play the sound even on STYLY Studio.

Best regards,

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