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I want to move from a STYLY scene to another website.

Is it possible to jump to another website as an action when an object is tapped?

Best Answer

It is possible. 1: With UI POINTER DOWN, you detect object taps and transitions to the next state. 2: You can implement this by using PlayMaker's "Application Open URL" action to launch an arbitrary website URL at the destination. The Application Open URL action is included in the latest version of the plugin, so please make sure you have imported the latest STYLY Unity plugin.

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It is possible. 1: With UI POINTER DOWN, you detect object taps and transitions to the next state. 2: You can implement this by using PlayMaker's "Application Open URL" action to launch an arbitrary website URL at the destination. The Application Open URL action is included in the latest version of the plugin, so please make sure you have imported the latest STYLY Unity plugin.

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