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Audio Uploading, mono and stereo tracks sometimes dont work

Hi there,

I have uploaded a scene with multiple mono audio files which worked well in my headset. The scene was quite simple but did exactly what i needed it to do.

However, I recently have been making a more complex scene with more 3d objects and materials but much simpler audio. Just one stereo music file.

For some reason, every time I upload the whole scene with the music file and test in STYLY Studio the track doesn't play.

When I am uploading I can see the name of my music file going through. It is important that this file is uploaded together with the scene since it has to play on a timed trigger which also triggers materials (the other elements of the trigger are working well).

I hope this is enough information for you. 

All the best,

Best Answer

Dear Freddie Hodjkins,

Thank you for using STYLY.

I guess that the cause of the error would be the audio file or objects including the audio file, because there are no problems when you uploaded a simple scene.

In order to find out the cause of the error, could you show me some screen shots of objects and PlayMaker screens on Unity.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Freddie Hodjkins,

Thank you for using STYLY.

I guess that the cause of the error would be the audio file or objects including the audio file, because there are no problems when you uploaded a simple scene.

In order to find out the cause of the error, could you show me some screen shots of objects and PlayMaker screens on Unity.

Sincerely yours,

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