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how to fly

I have finally learnt how to fly in Unity. I currently use the axis action and adws as my inputs for flying. I want to use variables instead. That way, in VR, the player can trigger direction changes by holding certain objects.

I would be so grateful for any suggestions on how to do this please?

Thank you so much-

I am trying to make a flying creature, and you can hold its ears to change direction

This was the tutorial I used:

And I am including a screen shot of my fsm with the inputs

thank you!

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Best Answer

Hi! It did not have an error, I just had not ‘called’ the camera in styly and therefore was not able to control it.

I had one project where i could fly
I had one project where the camera moved I VR

I took the camera action from the flying project and put it on the camera-moving fsm, the rest of the flying project stayed the same except now it had the VR camera rigged to follow the flying object, instead of the main camera.

That is how it started to work in STYLY.

I am happy to send you my scene if you want to see the fsm for yourself?

The tutorials I used were and

Thank you!! 

Hi 大学生好,

I think that by using Set Position, you could create a scene where objects are flying by variables. 

If you want to create some actions with PlayMaker, please refer to the PlayMaker Reference List below.

By the way, I want to ask you a question. What is "adws"?

Sincerely yours,

Thanks a lot. i will look into set position- ad and sw are unity's input's (see screenshot) so my unicorn is controlled by those keys- if you have any further suggestions for getting it to be controlled in VR then please let me know!

this is what i have at the moment- really want to feel as if im riding the unicorn!

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 My scene does not work at all in STYLY, is there anyway I could please email it to the STYLY email address so I can ask you how i can change it to work in STYLY? I am sorry to bother you and thank you! I just really want to make a flying reindeer for the xmas competition - i totally understand if this is not possible

I understood. The "adsw" are keys. 

Ok, I will check your scene, and please send your Unity project to including the word "STYLY Forum question" in title.

 THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have sent it- pls tell me if there are any issues with viewing it

 Hi! I worked out how to fly!! Thank you so much for all your help!

Oh, amazing. How did you fix your Unity project? I want to know the cause of the error.


Hi! It did not have an error, I just had not ‘called’ the camera in styly and therefore was not able to control it.

I had one project where i could fly
I had one project where the camera moved I VR

I took the camera action from the flying project and put it on the camera-moving fsm, the rest of the flying project stayed the same except now it had the VR camera rigged to follow the flying object, instead of the main camera.

That is how it started to work in STYLY.

I am happy to send you my scene if you want to see the fsm for yourself?

The tutorials I used were and

Thank you!! 

I understood. Changing the settings related to the camera is probably the reason why the scene worked well on STYLY.

The following link is about limitations when we upload a whole Unity scene to STYLY.

"Cameras in the scene are automatically disabled and uploaded. However, cameras with the following settings are not subject to invalidation.

RenderTexture is set in TargetTexture.

Camera Target Eye is None(Main Display)"

I wish to make sure the settings for some possible use. Could you send your Unity project again to including title "STYLY Forum flying project" ?

Thank you.

 It's just that if I tried to understand that article, I would not- I think instructions on cameras written in a beginner-friendly way would work better? It's just that article refers to things that I have not heard of before- anyways, so glad my scene is useful! Please keep me updated if anything cool emerges from it! I have sent it! :D

Thanks a lot!

I appreciate it. 

hi does it work? i realised i got my scenes confused and just wanted to confirm i sent you the right one! I am so sorry! 

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