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Can I retrofit the uploaded model with a control image?

Is there a reason why images may or may not be included when I upload a model to STYLY?
Also, can I add and manage images later on?
If elementary school students use it, it would be helpful if images could be added afterwards so that it is easier to understand when creating the scene.

Best Answer

Thank you for using STYLY.  When you upload a Tiltbrush glb model from 3D Model > My Models & Upload, it does not generate a thumbnail image.  Regarding image management, please note that it is not possible to change the thumbnail images of uploaded 3D models.

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Thank you for using STYLY.  When you upload a Tiltbrush glb model from 3D Model > My Models & Upload, it does not generate a thumbnail image.  Regarding image management, please note that it is not possible to change the thumbnail images of uploaded 3D models.

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