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nav mesh again

I am so sorry to come back with this but I have followed this tutorial exactly and my upload still will not work with STYLY

please tell me how to fix this


maybe i could please have an example asset to use if that was at all possible?

thank you so much

Best Answer

Hi, 大学生好, I apologize for the late reply.

Did you upload it to STYLY as prefabs? I guess that in this tutorial, you can only upload to STYLY as a whole Unity scene.

This manual is about how to upload it as a scene.

Sincerely yours, 

Thanks! That’s really useful 


Hi, 大学生好, I apologize for the late reply.

Did you upload it to STYLY as prefabs? I guess that in this tutorial, you can only upload to STYLY as a whole Unity scene.

This manual is about how to upload it as a scene.

Sincerely yours, 

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