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superball tutorial

hi i am following this tutorial - I am stuck at "Add an Int Compare action"

after i add this action, do i delete it after testing that 100 balls appear in the scene?

also, in the next 2 actions which are "
Set the ball to StoreObject, and set the parent by setting the Game Object in SetParent." I am meant to get a drop down menu to select a variable (which i made earlier), but I only have the option to make new variables-

is there any chance i could please have those steps broken down into bullet points?

also can I confirm that variable I am meant to use is still 'Create Ball' which is the variable I was meant to make earlier?

Thank you so much for your time and this awesome tutorial!

Best Answer

Dear 大学生好,

Thank you for using STYLY.

Firstly, after you add "Add an Int Compare action", you don't need to delete it after testing that 100 balls appear.

If you want to return the scene to its initial state, you just reload the scene.

Secondly, I understand the defect of your scene.

You cannot separate the steps, and I'd like to examine the defect. Could you show me a screenshot of your screen about "Create Object" action and "Set Parent" action?

Thirdly, if the variable you set is used correctly, you will see the object you set in "GameObject" in the Hierarchy window when you play the scene, so you can check it there.

Hi someone made a tutorial based on my question so I am going to try that!

If I still need to use the article then I will send you the screenshots you have asked for-

Thanks so much for your time in analysing my problem and offering solutions! 


Dear 大学生好,

Thank you for using STYLY.

Firstly, after you add "Add an Int Compare action", you don't need to delete it after testing that 100 balls appear.

If you want to return the scene to its initial state, you just reload the scene.

Secondly, I understand the defect of your scene.

You cannot separate the steps, and I'd like to examine the defect. Could you show me a screenshot of your screen about "Create Object" action and "Set Parent" action?

Thirdly, if the variable you set is used correctly, you will see the object you set in "GameObject" in the Hierarchy window when you play the scene, so you can check it there.

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