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PlayMaker actions with tilt/ open brush creations

Hi! I am trying to add PlayMaker actions to tilt/ open brush creations and upload to STYLY- is there any reason why this may not work as I haven’t succeeded so far?

Thank you!

Best Answer

If you add PlayMaker FSM to Tilt Brush creations, you have to use TiltBrush Toolkit.

You can export the Tilt Brush creations to Unity with TiltBrush Toolkit. 

Then, you can add PlayMaker FSM to the Tilt Brush creations on Unity, and upload them to STYLY!

 i have tried to send you the prefab i tried with- thanks


Can I add PlayMaker fsms to tilt brush creations without the tilt brush sdk in my project, and then upload these? So that way you can see the brushes in Unity but you would see them in STYLY?


If you add PlayMaker FSM to Tilt Brush creations, you have to use TiltBrush Toolkit.

You can export the Tilt Brush creations to Unity with TiltBrush Toolkit. 

Then, you can add PlayMaker FSM to the Tilt Brush creations on Unity, and upload them to STYLY!

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