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Warp the player's perspective.

After getting the camera with PlayMaker, how do I get it to change its perspective to that of another object?

Best Answer

Here's how to force the camera to teleport to the location of another object. 1. get an instance of the "other object" with the "FindGameObject" Action 2. get the position and angle of the "other object" with the "Get Position" and "Get Rotation" Actions 3. Teleport the camera to the location of the "other object" using the "Set Position" and "Set Rotation" Actions. Set Position" and "Set Rotation" actions for the camera to teleport to the location where the "other object" is located. This can be implemented in the following steps.

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Here's how to force the camera to teleport to the location of another object. 1. get an instance of the "other object" with the "FindGameObject" Action 2. get the position and angle of the "other object" with the "Get Position" and "Get Rotation" Actions 3. Teleport the camera to the location of the "other object" using the "Set Position" and "Set Rotation" Actions. Set Position" and "Set Rotation" actions for the camera to teleport to the location where the "other object" is located. This can be implemented in the following steps.

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