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I want to use VREdit mode with Oculus Quest2.

I am using quest2 to view VR. Is it possible to change the "viewpoint height" and "overall scale"? I would like to be able to see my model in different sizes and different angles. It may be called "VR Edit Mode", but I can't seem to get that menu on my quest controller. Please let me know.

Best Answer

As you know, the VR edit mode allows you to view and edit your model from any angle you want. You can start it by clicking the pencil button next to the title on the screen that takes you to the scene in My Scenes.

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As you know, the VR edit mode allows you to view and edit your model from any angle you want. You can start it by clicking the pencil button next to the title on the screen that takes you to the scene in My Scenes.

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