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Brightness and visibility differ depending on the environment.

For some reason, when I run my work in PC VR (Oculus Link), the sky is brighter than when I run it in Quest or STYLY Studio, even though I had previously made my work while checking it in Quest. What could be the cause of this, and is there a way to fix it?

Best Answer

The reason the brightness and shadows change is because Unity's quality settings are optimized for each platform. Since the settings are not touched from PlayMaker, you may be able to improve them by determining which environment you are playing in based on the camera and changing the way the scene looks.

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The reason the brightness and shadows change is because Unity's quality settings are optimized for each platform. Since the settings are not touched from PlayMaker, you may be able to improve them by determining which environment you are playing in based on the camera and changing the way the scene looks.

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